Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Color Run 2013!

I know....I'm a bad blogger.  Ok ok...horrible blogger.  But maybe all three of you are still reading???  Summer has been BUSY to say the least!  I feel like I've been out of routine since June...and if you know me at all...that's not a good feeling!  So, I'll try to update the blog in the coming days.  We've had a great summer and to kick it off, Mom and I ran a Color Run in June.  SO MUCH FUN. 
 Here we are before the big event.  We didn't go crazy and wear tutus or anything...just socks and I was perfectly ok with that.  Nice and clean before the run!
 This picture was immediately after we finished the run.  Y'all, there were 12,000 people running this in Amarillo.  Maybe you don't know Amarillo....but that's a lot!  Mom and I ran the whole thing too-which made it more fun in my opinion. 
 We stuck around after the race for some of the dancing and celebrating.  This is probably when we got the most color on us.  My head turned purple, no big deal. 
All in all, it was a fun morning with my mom.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat!  Oh, and when G saw me once I came home he said, "Momma mess!"  He was right, sweet boy.

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