Thursday, August 02, 2012

Changes in the Burns' Home!

Well, it's been a bittersweet few weeks for me.  Here goes....after lots of thinking and praying and talking and crying and praying some more Clint and I came to the decision that it was time for me to resign from my position at ACU and focus on our sweet family.  I started thinking and praying about it in May, just tossing around the idea in my head.  I won't go into all the details about how the Lord reveled to us that this was a good decision, but let's just say HE WAS FAITHFUL the entire time and I'm embarrassed at how little I trusted Him throughout the process.  

I've been in ACU Admissions for 6 years.  I've recruited the same West Texas territory the entire time.  The average admissions counselor nation wide spends 18 months in this job....I probably over stayed my welcome!  But, this job has become part of my identity.  If I ever went home to Amarillo, I would run into students or families that I was recruiting and it quickly became about ACU.  Last August, Clint and I went to Lubbock for a quick trip by ourselves before Graham came.  We thought it was close enough to drive to, close enough to get back in case my water broke, and a big enough city for us to do some fun things....I ran into 3 students that weekend...all wanting to talk about their financial aid packages or situations!  We couldn't get away from it! Haha. 

The past 6 months, I've worked from home with Graham.  He went to a sitter twice a week, but I still had to work during nap times and after he went down for the night.  Anytime I was away from home, my job was constantly in the back of my many phone calls am I missing, how many e-mails will I have tonight etc.   If I were to continue the position, I'd be away from home at least once a week (most of the times twice a week) from now until December.  That just didn't set well with me.  It was fine when it was just me and Clint and his MDIV...but Graham is a little different than an MDIV!  

So, although I LOVE the work I do, I LOVE my time with Graham even more.  So, my last day is August 31st and then I'll concentrate full time on being a mom and a preacher's wife!  I couldn't be more excited.  Yes, it will be a hit financially, but I know I won't regret it.  My time at ACU was precious to me and I have nothing but great things to say about that place.  It will always be a place close to my heart not just because it's my alma mater, but because of the people I worked with who pushed me, challenged me and loved me.  I learned so much from that place.  

But...I'm looking forward to the Lord's blessing in our sweet family, in our sweet church and in Altus.  Who wouldn't want to spend more time with these two cuties any way? 


JENNY said...

What a big decision! How awesome. I am happy for all 3 of you!

Kelli said...

Oh, Kat! How exciting! I am so happy for you, and the wonderful blessings your family will enjoy from this decision. You will never regret taking this time to serve your family.

For me, there was definitely an adjustment period, but staying home has been such a sweet blessing. I love it, and I hope you will too! :)

Ashley said...

I know that must have been a tough decision, but so excited for you that you get to be a full time momma to that cute boy now! I know it will be a blessing for all three of you in so many ways!